I want to rotate a part relative to the way a player is looking at it (for example, 45 degrees right). Example:
player looks at part from the front, it rotates like this:
player looks at part from the side, it rotates like this:
I have tried rotating the part but it always seems to rotate the part relative to the global X Y or Z axis.
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how part should be rotated from front
how part should be rotated from side
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June 22, 2023, 8:17pm
there’s 2 ways i could think of doing this:
part.CFrame = Camera.CFrame - Camera.CFrame.Position + part.Position
part.CFrame = CFrame.LookAt(part.Position, Camera.CFrame.Position)
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If I understand correctly, wouldn’t these lines make the part look at the player? If so, I do not want the part to look at the player, I want it rotate based on the way a player looks at it.
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June 22, 2023, 8:24pm
so if i understand correctly you want the part to face the player, not the camera. right?
I’ll make it a bit easier to understand. Say a part is already facing the player (in player’s perspective, the part is lined up). Now I want the part to rotate 45 degrees to the right.
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Just like this, now I want the part to rotate 45 degrees to the right.
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June 22, 2023, 8:31pm
something like:
part.CFrame = CFrame.LookAt(part.Position, Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position * CFrame.angles(45,0,0))
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Something like that, but not quite. It still rotates on the global X axis.
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June 22, 2023, 9:09pm
hey! appologies for the late reply, i got what you wanted here!
local lookVector = (humanoidRootPart.Position - part.Position).Unit
part.CFrame = CFrame.new(part.Position, part.Position + lookVector)
July 6, 2023, 9:10pm
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