Rotate Stationary Object Relative to Camera

Hello! I have created I globe which moves based on the players mouse. Everything works fine, however I’m not sure I’d go about rotating it base on where the camera is facing. Here is a video of it:
As seen in the video, it doesn’t rotate based off the camera.

An example of rotating based off the camera

The camera is facing from a top view. The mouse moving on the x axis would correspond to rotation on the z axis, and the mouse moving on the y axis would correspond to rotation on the x axis.

Currently the mouse moving on the x axis corresponds to rotation on the global y axis and the mouse moving on the y axis corresponds to rotation on the global x axis. I imagine my goal could be achieved by rotating the globe based on the local axes of the camera, but I’m not sure how I’d do this. I also don’t know how to select which axes to correspond the mouse movement and globe movement to.

My rotation script (incase it is useful):

local mousePos = UserInputSerivce:GetMouseLocation()
			while mouseDown == true do
				local currentMousePos = UserInputSerivce:GetMouseLocation()
				local dx, dy = (mousePos.X - currentMousePos.X) * sensitivity, (mousePos.Y - currentMousePos.Y) * sensitivity
				primaryPart.CFrame = primaryPart.CFrame * CFrame.Angles( dy, -dx, 0 ) * (workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame - workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.Position) -- rotates base on world space
				mousePos = currentMousePos

Any help is appreciated, thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

Have you tried messing around with DragDetectors?
They have multiple different dragging modes, and one of them might be right for your use case

Thanks, this works amazingly, just one question: do you know a way to change the responsiveness when using the RotateTrackball drag style and keeping the response style on geometric?

I think your refering to Responsiveness, which has Physical, Geometrical and Custom options?

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