Rotate the player character with reference to where his camera is looking

I want to rotate the character with the point where he is look at 0 degrees

like i want to rotate the character 90 degrees from where his camera is looking how can i do that?

    --rotate the player immediately
    if MovementCode == "A" then
        -- Move left
        HRP.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(HRP.Position,HRP.CFrame:PointToWorldSpace(,0,0)))

how do i make this so that the player will rotate in relative to where the camera is looking instead of the player orientation

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You can try using body gyro. Not really familiar of that but I think that’ll work.

Make sure you run it on the CLient. This looks like a server script so you should use a RemoteFunction or Postie to call to the client, get the clients current camera cframe, and return it to the server