Rotating a direction

I’m trying to achieve a NPC roaming around a player in 360 degrees. In the picture shown, the first direction and the second direction are unrelated and the second always starts there. I wanted it to relate to the first direction, but it always does not. Any help will be appreciated!

This is the code

if pos == nil then 
	pos = plrHRP.Position + (dir * 50)
	inidir = dir
	local radi = math.rad(cDegree)
	local rotation = CFrame.Angles(0,radi,0)
	local direction = (rotation *
	pos = plrHRP.Position + (direction * 50)
	if cDegree == 355 then cDegree = 0 else cDegree += 5 end

I’ve deleted the code that creates the part.

The one on the right side is the initial direction, the one on the left side is the second direction calculated if u needed