Hello, I’m trying to make a motor6d rotate a joint in a way such that the limb’s next joint along the limb aligns along with a vector’s end position.
So far my method works only if the model face forwards as seen in below’s clip where the knee joint aligns with the pink block.
Notes on the video:
The pink block represents the world position of where that knee joint is supposed to be according to the algorithm.
The Yellow block represents the joint position of where the knee joint would be given that the motor6d remains in it’s original orientation.
The working condition model is facing forwards towards -z axis:
External MediaFailure condition model is rotated anywhere beyond that:
Here is the model’s rig for reference:
Photo of rig
And finally the code that is continually every heatbeat:
-- obtains a vector that is from the hipjoint to the knee joint given Motor6D original orientation
local vectorToCFrame = CFrame.new(Vector3.new(),vecOne)
local rotationOffset = (hipCFrame-hipCFrame.p)
local lookRelativeToHip = rotationOffset*vectorToCFrame
local vectorOneRelativeToHip = lookRelativeToHip.LookVector*limbLengthTable[1]
--Position of the yellow block
part4.Position = hipJointCFrame.p+vectorOneRelativeToHip
-- Obtain angle between new hip-upperleg vector and its original position
local rotateUpperLegAngle = math.acos(vectorOneRelativeToHip.Unit:Dot(v1New.Unit))
local rotationAxisUpperLeg = vectorOneRelativeToHip:Cross(v1New) -- obtain the rotation axis
lHipToLegMotor.C0 = hipToLegStore*CFrame.fromAxisAngle(rotationAxisUpperLeg,rotateUpperLegAngle)
Before the heartbeat loop
-- store the original c0 position
local hipToLegStore = lHipToLegMotor.C0
If you need more information you can download my place file
on my GitHub and test it out yourself.
Edit: To access the place file download the entire project as a zip file, click the green Code button, then download the zip file then open up the rbxlx file with studio
Edit 2: Drag around LTarget to move the leg and replicate what I do in the video