Rotating and positioning an attachment with a RigidConstraint gives extreme results

When attempting to move or rotate an attachment that is being worked on by a RigidConstraint, the attachment will not remember the previous increment history and instead will apply an increment on top of previously applied increments.
For example, if I move an attachment slowly by one stud, then another stud, and then another stud, instead of the expected result of the attachment having been moved by three studs, it’s been moved by one + two + three studs (six in total). A simpler example is available in a video format below.
This behavior is not affected by the dragger QoL beta.

Example: Watch 2024-11-29 00-21-32 | Streamable

Reproduction steps:

  1. Open a place in studio.
  2. Get a skinned mesh/a mesh with bones (if you don’t have one on hand, you can find one in the toolbox by searching for “skinned mesh” in the models tab)
  3. Create a part and parent an attachment to it.
  4. Create a RigidConstraint and set it’s Attachment0 to the part’s attachment
  5. Set the Attachment1 of the RigidConstraint to a bone parented under the skinned mesh (choose any you like).
  6. Rotate and/or move the attachment under the part to witness the bug in action.

(you can also use this place file to skip to step 6: AttachmentBugRepo.rbxl (108.0 KB) )

This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information!

Thanks for the report!

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