Rotating Object on Slanted Surface


I’m currently working on a dynamic footprint system where the character leaves a footprint beneath their foot whenever they walk, however, I’m encountering an issue with rotating said footprint.

Currently, it slants itself on slanted objects (a feature that must stay), and seems to work correctly- however, it doesn’t take after the rotation of the character itself. I’ve been trying to find out how to do this for a while, but I still haven’t been able to. Any ideas how?

Current Behaviour:

Current Script:

--- handles user interace calls made locally and from the server
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage");
local Debris = game:GetService("Debris");

local import = require(ReplicatedStorage.import);
local maid = import("modules/maid");
local ignorelists = import("modules/ignoreLists");

local debris = import("debris");

local footprintModel = import("assets/movement/footPrint")
local particlesOnMaterial = script.Parent.Parent.FootstepsConfig.ParticlesOnMaterial

local function augmentColor3(color, factor)
	local r, g, b = color.R, color.G, color.B
	r *= factor g *= factor b *= factor
	return, g, b)

return function(leg, character)
	-- leg : boolean (if true, then left, if false, then right)
	local root = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
	-- raycast below the foot
	local offset = if leg then -0.5 else 0.5
	local raycast = maid:Raycast(root.Position, (root.CFrame.RightVector.Unit * offset) +, -3.5, 0), ignorelists.cantHitCharacters)
	if not raycast then return end
	local hit, hitNormal, hitPosition, hitMaterial = raycast.Instance, raycast.Normal, raycast.Position, raycast.Material
	-- clone the footprint
	local footprint = footprintModel:Clone()
	footprint.Parent = debris
	-- set position
	local targetCFrame =, hitPosition + hitNormal)
	local targetOrientation = root.Orientation
	local finalCFrame = targetCFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.pi/2, 0, 0)

	footprint.CFrame = finalCFrame
	-- tween transparency & destroy
	maid:Tween({Time = 0.75}, {footprint}, {Transparency = 1})
	Debris:AddItem(footprint, 2)
	-- if it hits terrain, only change color, if not change both color and material
	if tostring(hit.Name) == "Terrain" then
		footprint.Color = augmentColor3(workspace.Terrain:GetMaterialColor(hitMaterial), 0.85)
		footprint.Material = hitMaterial
		footprint.Color = augmentColor3(hit.BrickColor.Color, 0.85)
	return footprint