Rotating player to part orientation

I tried this but it sadly doesn’t work

plr.Character:PivotTo(plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position, script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Folder.PositionPart.Orientation)

Also I got this error

Thanks for helping

You need to pass a CFrame (aka CoordinateFrame) to the method PivotTo. I’m not sure if this will be the orientation you’re looking for, but you won’t get an error message if you run a line like this:

plr.Character:PivotTo( * script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Folder.PositionPart.CFrame.Rotation)
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Still the same error: “Unable to cast Vector3 to CoordinateFrame”

Oops. My bad. I thought it said PositionPart.CFrame.Rotation not PositionPart.Orientation. I’ll update my first reply.
The Orientation property is a Vector3, but the Rotation property (of a CFrame) is a CFrame. CFrame * Vector3 is a Vector3, but CFrame * CFrame is a CFrame.

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