Rotating SkyBox with Planets

Part of a lager project.
Generic planet rotating script.

Interested in how this runs on different platforms.
And of course if you like this …

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Nice work! My only critique is that the rotation seems very fast and it would be super distracting if used for a game.

It may be in this example … I can control it’s speed and direction on the fly.
Thanks for taking a look!

It seems pretty nice overall. I have no clue whether the rotations of the planets and moons are accurate, but that probably wouldn’t be an issue.

Only thing I see that could be added is rotation to the planets, moon, and the sun itself, just to add another layer of depth to the model. It’d also be cool if the sun glowed bright, but that remark is contrary to the model itself I would assume.

I just tossed them planets in for something other than the skybox …

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