I originally got parts of the script from the devforum.
local uis = game:GetService('UserInputService')
local rus = game:GetService('RunService')
local model = script.Parent
local root = script.Root.Value
local pivot = script.Pivot.Value
local hinge = script.Hinge.Value
local function calculateServoAngle(hinge, targetPosition)
local baseAttachment = hinge.Attachment1
local object_horizontal_offset = (baseAttachment.WorldCFrame):PointToObjectSpace(targetPosition)
local object_yaw_angle = math.atan2(object_horizontal_offset.Y, object_horizontal_offset.Z)
object_yaw_angle = math.deg(object_yaw_angle)
return object_yaw_angle
while wait(0.2) do
local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
local mPos = uis:GetMouseLocation()
local mRay = cam:ViewportPointToRay(mPos.Y, mPos.X)
local rcr: RaycastResult? = workspace:Raycast(mRay.Origin, mRay.Direction*1e3)
local mPosWorld: Vector3 = if rcr then rcr.Position else mRay.Origin+mRay.Direction*20
--local pitch = math.atan2(-pPitch.Z, pPitch.Y)
--pitchHinge.TargetAngle = math.deg(pitch)
--hinge.TargetAngle = -beta -- beta has to be negative so it points at you
It seems to only work with the y axis of the mouse and not the x axis.
And the provided demo works as intended but mine does not.