Rotating VP Frame Models not working

The image above shows 3 parts. The base (black), the top (the glass) and the primary top which is rotated

Im using tween service to rotate the egg back and fourth in a VP frame, However only the primary part is rotating


The image above shows the part structure of it. “Primary” is the only anchored part so i dont see why the others wont rotate

local tweenInfo = / speed, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, -1, true)
	local targetOrientation1 = CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-20), 0, 0)

	local rotationTween = TweenService:Create(part, tweenInfo, { CFrame = part.CFrame * targetOrientation1 })

Heres the rotation tween

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cframes become weird when welding - instead maybe use a normal weld rather than a weld constraint.

if you can’t get the correct pos when welding them all use a weld plugin to weld them all together.

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Are you saying script the weld in? Or create an actual weld instance. As i had tried it but didn’t work. I will try again though

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Yeah that did NOT work :sob:

I’ve been having this issue all day and cant find a solution, are there any other methods around this problem?

i really dont know, im probably js being dumb - check if your parts are anchored or anything. This could just be the placement of the welds.