Rotation script bug - distorted image

I have a problem with a imagelabel, the problem is with the rotation propertie.

The image is distorted, when using this script:

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
while true do
	if script.Parent.Rotation ~= 360 then
		script.Parent.Rotation = script.Parent.Rotation + 1
		script.Parent.Rotation = 1

Here i will upload images:

With script:

Without script:

Note: I change the rotation propertie, and it looks good, idk because it has this problem!

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Couldn’t find the issue with it rotating but found that if you change the property of the imagelabel ‘ScaleType’ to ‘Fit’ it keeps its original look. I might be wrong though.

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It works, thx! now i have the normal size! and dont bugged!

You could try the Image Scale type “Fit”, but there’s also a UI Object called an “AspectRatio”, when set to “1”/default, it will change the UI object into a square.
