Rotations wrong on imported FBX

When I try to import my model to studio, all the parts in my model were messed up and in the wrong rotation.
I’ve tried applying all transforms, which did help a bit but that only got me to the result in the below image.

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I’ve found that choosing “No Rig” for rig type solves this issue, but I don’t know what this does. Would my animations done in blender still work if I choose no rig?

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looks like the issue is with transforms not being applied. in blender, select everything, hit ctrl+a, and apply all transforms (location, rotation, scale). when exporting, set forward to -Z forward, up to Y up, and check ‘apply transform’

‘no rig’ just means it won’t treat it like an armature. if you’re using bones for animations, you’ll need to export with the rig. if not, ‘no rig’ is fine. hope this fixes it!

I’ve already mentioned in my OP that I’ve tried applying all transforms

you said you already applied all transforms. Did you apply all transforms to the meshes and the bones? (I think thats what its called)

also does the insert using scene position do anything? Or the set pivot to scene orgin?

Also… have you tries importing using the asset manager?

Still having trouble with importing, the problem seems to be with my armature, I don’t have this problem if I exclude it from the blender export

interesting. will this help? Rigging a Simple Mesh | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub