I haven’t touched this since around March. I have no motivation to finish up the final touches at this current moment, but I felt that getting feedback may help spark motivation to eventually go back to it.
Some gifs of it:
I tested making 108 of them and seeing performance drop.
Not recommended to go over 10 in a single segment I’d say. (Though I still think it’s satisfying)
It uses springs and positions the bones of the mesh based on the positions of the end of the spring. I planned on making it so the rotation would match the surface normal of the object the spring touches, as it’d make it look more natural and smooth.
Below are experiments I’ve made based on the replies: @EternalEthel : “Can it squeeze through a tube smaller than itself?”
To an extent, yes.
@EternalEthel : “How much can it actually deform and stretch around?”
It looks really cool! Any plans to improve performance, or could you provide any stats on performance in general?
Also, how much can it actually deform and stretch around? Could it squeeze through a tube smaller than itself, or spread out a lot if you loosened the springs, etc?
This is something I’d love to see ROBLOX support or implement within the next few years. Screw dynamic facial animations and Rthro, this is what we need. I think one of the major challenges in the process of soft body creation is like you said, lag. It’s a really nice concept though, I look forward to seeing more soft body structures in Roblox this year!
This is really good, if you want to gain motivation, then just know that I hardly see this on the forums, if not I have never seen something like this here. I would love to see it get improved down the road, I don’t think you would open source this, but that is another way people can contribute to it’s development, a lot!
I’ve made a demo gif for your first question, and will do the second later
To add: I’ll continue later if I find the inspiration I stated. As it is right now I’m working on making a Globe styled explorable and unlockable world game that pushes things I find complex. For example: An npc that can walk across any surface, and see players from a certain angle infront of them(but objects block the said vision). I’ve already finished these, but I’m trying to make them performance accessible as right now you need a buffy computer to run them (All done in roblox).
It’s not that the simulation doesn’t have many frames, but more “screentogif” is bad at recording all the frames.
Might just record a demo in obs and edit it in vegas later tomorrow.
I call it rough because it isn’t as polished as I know I could make it.
There’s still a few components that I could add which would make it even better, but I’m working on other things so I don’t got the time at the moment.