Really nice plugin. Works very well. The only problem is that it cannot detect the GUI elements under a folder. Is this a bug or is there a setting for this?
This is a bug – next update will fix this
This doesn’t really make much sense since you need to realize that someone wouldn’t put all that time and effort into creating a resource that people can use if they didn’t plan on profiting from it. Roblox has a lot of free resources, but they’re only free because they assist developers in creating games which in turn make Roblox a profit.
Don’t worry, I believe it’s a perfect suitable price and that it’s only fair you should be compensated for the hard work.
ROBLOX should have these things implemented by default, alternatively they force the learning and out source half of their work.
I don’t know what I did wrong, but I somehow managed this:
keyframeGroups[tonumber(group.Name:sub(11)) + 1] = group --RoUI3 Module
--Generates This Error
'attempt to perform arithmetic (add) on nil and number'
Hello, I just installed this plugin and tried pressed animate once on a screen gui, it deleted the screen gui, CTRL + Z does nothing. I spent HOURS and HOURS on that. DO NOT INSTALL
So some feedback on this plugin.
Not being able to zoom in/out of the timeline is a bit inconvenient
Would be nice to be able to edit scrubbing increment when holding down shift
Maybe it’s just me but there is no obvious way of moving existing keyframes, this is very crucial and should be implemented (or documented if it is a feature already)
Would be nice if there is an option to view all UI elements listed under the current properties tab with the actual properties (and their respective keyframes) hidden under a dropdown
Being able to scale selected keyframes to quickly alter the timing
Being able to stop an animation from playing instead of being forced to watch the entire sequence
Being able to properly undo actions reliably
Having more easing style options, notably “back” and “sine”
This plugins concept is great, and it works for the most part, although barley. There are some crucial features that this plugin needs before a comfortable workflow can exist. Getting desired results is an extremely tedious process without the ability to dynamically make changes to keyframes. I hope some of these issues can be addressed!
I really don’t understand why this happens:
No matter what version i use (ROUI2, ROUI3) The frames dupe…
I can’t even change animation because of that…
Yeah whenever it scrubs over between two keyframes, it generates the in-between keyframes. Its really annoying.
Theres a lot of breaking errors in whatever release you get when you insert module via the Plugin.
Most of them seem to just be forgetting that this the language is lua, and the table index’s start at 1.
And not fully replacing what I think used to be bool values with attributes.
Waste of 300 robux btw, don’t buy this, very buggy.
Seemed very promising with the keyframe editor, however due to reviews I won’t be getting this.
Roblox’s switch from robux to USD privated all paid plugins until the developer sets a USD price so you just need to compile it from the github repo for now.
how do i compile it pls i really want this plugin
how do i compile the source thing
how do we compile it though? please help i want this so bad
docs in github say that you can compile it using roblox-ts (roblox typescript).
as it says, “no auto updates”, but its still enough since the last commit was made back in february '23 (not '22… man, ), so you should be ready to go no matter what.
i’ll try to make a text tutorial on how to do that since i’m also learning on how to compile it, too.
Is RoUI3 deprecated? It says: “You need permissions to access this content”
possibly. however, for now i recommend using a free alternative to this — tweensequence editor. or, honestly, any other preferable editor in general since RoUI, well, isn’t for me, at least.
oh, you mean Roblox Marketplace. right. well, idk. if you you insist (i’m not mad lol) and still want to try RoUI 3… well, simply google “how to decompile roblox-ts”. literally 5 months passed and since i found alternative, i never cared about it.