RoUI3 - Create beautiful & complex UI animations

Logo0.5 RoUI3

:floppy_disk: Download | v1.0.0 | GitHub :file_folder:

:wave: Introduction

Welcome to RoUI3, a user-friendly and feature-rich plugin used to create beautiful animations for your Roblox GUIs. After nearly 2 years since the release of RoUI2, RoUI3 is complete and ready for the public. RoUI3 has a completely overhauled codebase, many new features, and a beautiful new look.

:film_strip: Animating

:clock1: Timeline

RoUI3’s timeline allows you to create beautifully complex animations for all your UI needs. With features like a global scrubber, animation previewing, dynamic timeline timestamps, and more it’s never been easier to create amazing UI animations.

:play_or_pause_button: Playing Exported Animations

Once you’ve animated something in RoUI3 and exported it you’re ready to start using your animations in-game. You’ll need to download the official RoUI3 animation module which you can do from your plugin toolbar. RoUI3 comes with a download button that will directly install the module’s latest version from GitHub and place it into Roblox Studio. The module has been significantly improved since RoUI2 and should be more user-friendly as well as offers more features. For more information on the module you can visit RoUI3’s Wiki.

:speech_balloon: RoUI3 Discord

Feel free to join the official RoUI3 Discord server to chat with other users of the plugin as well as get support on any questions you may have. We also have a suggestions channel where you can offer feedback on updates you would like to see.

:film_projector: Demo Video

Here’s an example demo video showcasing how to make a tiny animation and quickly use it.

External Media

:warning: NOTE

This plugin is currently broken. I do not recommend purchasing it. A fix will be patched eventually when I have time and this message will be removed when it is fixed.


Dang, what a coincidence! I literally saw the reply yesterday where you said RoUI2 was deprecated. Literally today, RoUI3 got released. Epic!


Resources are supposed to be free

If it was, I would buy it, looks cool


It looks really really cool but as I am broke and spent all my robux on buying gamepasses to no life a dead game I can’t buy it… Anyways that does look really cool but as 7Dollar_Bill said
"Resources are supposed to be free"
So you wouldn’t mind putting this in #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback would you?

The plugin costs 300 Robux that’s only $3.75. I believe that to be a fair price for months of work and continued, frequent updates. If this is too much for you then you’re free to compile the source code yourself.


The DevForum rules for posting in #resources:community-resources say that the asset must have “a substantial free or open-source component.” RoUI3 is entirely open source and you’re free to compile it yourself.


wait if it is open source doesnt that mean people can make one themselves?

It surely is quite less money but uhh for some countries like mine due to political instabillity even that much can be quite much with respect to inflation.

Would you be able to record a short demonstration and link it to the resource so we can review the workflow and the workings of the plugin as this is a new version?

This looks really cool! There is clearly tons of work and dedication poured into it. I’m always excited to see new tools.

Any chance you can make something like this for visual effects that exist in the game world? Moon animator let’s you edit properties, but only lets you play them in the animator, in studio, not in game. There’s also TweenSequence editor, but it’s pretty outdated and broken. Could even get some root motion on characters by editing their CFrames and other cool stuff.

Time to move to this plugin, anyways will there be a way to have Bezièr Curves for smooth tweening?

Open source means the source code is open and free to use and edit for personal use (or at least it normally means that depending on the licence). So yes you could take the source code and make it a local plugin.

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Then don’t purchase it. If you can’t afford a cheap plugin like this one, then you should keep your money for something more important like food and bills.


The code is open source, meaning you can put it together to make a a local plugin. You can buy if you want to support the developer or you just don’t know how to set it up.

Right. I am not cuz uhhh scripting animations is epic. I might when i uhh get more robux but hey why are you telling me this stuff?

Hi, according to the description, I am attracted to buy this plugin, but I would like a detailed disclosure in the form of a video clip, since I don’t understand much how it all works

CC: @desinied

I put together a quick demo video of making a small animation so you can see an example of how it works.


All I am saying is that if you cannot afford to pay the amount of Robux that it costs you should not. You said about how where you live, the amount of money that the Plugin costs quite a bit of money so you would be better just keeping it for things such as paying for food. It’s advice not at all a order, you can spend your money on whatever you wish.

Why does it say RoUI2 in studio?