Round and get Number

1.05 should change to 1, 10.24 should change to 10, 349.55 should change to 349, how could i do that (Remove the numbers after “.”)?

math.floor() will return what you want

math.floor(whatever number) for rounding down
math.ciel(whatever number) for rounding up

I already did that,

without math.floor = 1.22248294582239

with math.floor = 1.22

Does not work,what i want to archivie

Have you tried math.round()?
Might not be exactly what you want, but it should work.

Use math.floor.

math.floor(1.05) --> 1
math.floor(10.24) --> 10
math.floor(349.55) --> 349

I used that already look at my other comments

if you always want to round down to remove the decimal then use math.floor(number), like @MUMU_ELMOUMOU said.

Okay, so this is solved then? If not, why wouldn’t math.floor work?

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You want to remove every number after the decimal, so try math.round()
It rounds it to the nearest whole number (a number without a decimal)

in his original posts’ examples he says how he wants it also to convert 349.55 to 349, so he wants to truncate decimals, not round up

Fair. I forgot math.round only rounds up. Kinda false advertisement on roblox’s end :skull:

I seriously haven’t used math.round myself in months

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what do you mean :face_with_raised_eyebrow:



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well math.round rounds up and down to the nearest whole number but in this case apparently he wants it to just completely cut off any decimal regardless (truncation)

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This is extremely far-fetched, clunky, unnecessary and inefficient, but you could try this:

local function removeDecimal(number)
    local String = tostring(number) --// Converts the "number" variable (the number passed through the function) into a string
    local splitString = String:split(".") --// Breaks the string into parts (a table) anywhere there is a period (or full stop. Whatever you call it)
    return tonumber(splitString[1]) --// Converts the first thing in the table (the first part of the string, or the whole number) back into a number, then it gets returned

print(removeDecimal(7579.8865609)) --// A random number with a decimal to show if it works. This CAN be deleted as it's only to test

removeDecimal(1.05) --// Can be replaced with any number or any variable that equals a number
removeDecimal(10.24) --// Can be replaced with any number or any variable that equals a number
removeDecimal(349.55) --// Can be replaced with any number or any variable that equals a number

I personally wouldn’t use this, but it might work. Idk. I’m at school on my phone right now so I can’t test anything :woman_shrugging:

It would be inefficient normally, but considering math.floor() didn’t work properly for you, it’s your best bet

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I ain’t playing when I say I completely forgot how math.round() works :skull:

I usually only use math.floor, so my brain pretty much cleared what math.round does from my memory :joy:

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Is this what you’re looking for?

local function RemoveDeci(Number)
	local whole, remainder = math.modf(Number)
	return whole

print(RemoveDeci(1.012)) --> 1
print(RemoveDeci(4.7)) --> 4
print(RemoveDeci(1.999999999999)) --> 1
print(RemoveDeci(4444.9282)) --> 4444
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Im confused how you got 1.22 when math.floor() returns 1 xd