I want to create a round-based teleportation system what will teleport every single player in a server to a new location every 10 minutes, think of this like tower of hell.
What i want to do is create a round-based system for my minigame game that will teleport you to a random place every 10 minutes. How would i do this?
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I did not mean random place, it will teleport you to a part where the level is set.
You can store the positions in a table and every 10 minutes use math.random to randomly pick one
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okay, how would i teleport the players there?
Just set their CFrame to that position that’s picked, why did you mark yourself as the solution?
so that i could add some info that i didnt add, i made a mistake
the solution is only meant for the post that Solves your issue, to add more info you can use edit