Round script ALWAYS making 1st player to join win

Hello, could someone help me to fix this issue with my round handler?

  1. What do you want to achieve? This part of the script is intended to find the player who won and how many points they had,

  2. What is the issue? The winner is ALWAYS being set to the person who joined first, regardless of points.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I tested with my friend and determined that there is an issue with highestnumber. I am unsure if the tables are being set wrong or if the variables from the tables are being read wrong.

Relevant code:

    local timer = game.Workspace.TimerSign.SurfaceGui.TimerLabel
    local leaderboard = game.Workspace.Leaderboard.SurfaceGui.TextLabel
    local players = game:GetService("Players")
    local storage = game.ReplicatedStorage
    local servstorage = game.ServerStorage

--The above is from the start of the code

	local playertable = {}
	local player_results = {}
	--Make functions
	local function getResults()
		for i, v_player in ipairs(players:GetPlayers()) do
			playertable[i] = v_player.Name
			player_results[i] = v_player.leaderstats.Points.Value
			v_player.leaderstats.Points.Value = 0
	local function calculateResults()
		local highestnumber = -1 --Set highest number

		for i, v in pairs(player_results) do --Find index of highest number in results

			if v > highestnumber then
				highestnumber = v

			local indexfound = table.find(player_results, highestnumber)

			return indexfound
	--IndexFound returning 1 always? (highestnumber not setting properly)
	--Run functions
	local indexfound = calculateResults() --Get indexfound
	local winningplayer = playertable[indexfound] --Use indexfound to find winning player
	local highestnumber = player_results[indexfound] --Use indexfound to find highest score
	leaderboard.Text = "#".. tostring(indexfound) ..", ".. tostring(highestnumber)
	players[winningplayer].leaderstats.Wins.Value += 1
	storage.ShowResults:FireAllClients(winningplayer, highestnumber)
	local playertable = {}
	local player_results = {}

Thank you for looking at this issue!

The for loop in calculateResults() will always return on the first loop. indexfound and the return statement need to be outside the loop.

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Would it look like this?

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That looks good, test it and see

Could u join me in roblox to test? My username is hfhfvvheh (wait u can see that lol)

You should be able to test this yourself in studio by going to “Test” up the top then starting a test with 2 or more simulated players.

Ty, do u know if I could set the 2nd player to have a certain leaderstat?

When you’re testing studio will open multiple testing windows, you should go to the one that is the server and not one of the testing players, then go into Players > [player name] > leaderstats and manually change the value you want to.

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This is causing a massive lagspike for me lol

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