Roundify plugin

Only works if you have a frame behind it and you do it on the frame. I have tested multiple times, unless they recently changed it, which I doubt.

I’m able to do it fine


Oh ok, when I replied to that it was when that was not a thing.

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Thank you! Plugins these days are getting better and better :raised_hands:


I haven’t seen that happen before, I will look into it and see if I can get a fix.

Do you have steps to replicate?


Do it as normal but try dragging explorer/property windows in order to make the screen size bigger or smaller
It messes up by doing that for me. And sometimes when I press play it fixes and other times it doesn’t. It’s weird lol

@Stelrex Question, why do we use the Roundify Plugin when you can in 5 seconds add a UICorner Asset?

My Opinion: I really see no purpose in using this unless it has something that’s better than Roblox’s UICorner.


Yea I agree, not really going to use this ever again, BUT I am not going to be putting you down, I got some Ideas for your plugin to reclaim it’s place.

1: When the user selects a frame/picture/button. It will instead insert a UICorner into it.

2: Some more features that makes a good general appearance to these.

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Looks like it’s fixed now… lol
thanks if you did anything, or not!

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You can add a rounded corner with Roundify in under 2 seconds :wink:

Roundify is just a simple plugin I made originally just to help me with rounded corners, but then others really liked it. Some people still like Roundify over UICorner. If you do not, you do not have to use it.

Roundify most likely won’t be updated to support UICorner. But my plugin uiDesign will be updated once I test just a few more things on it.

uiDesign is a reworked version of Roundify with more features.

I appreciate your input, but it felt like a direct jab claiming my plugin to be useless. Roundify is doing fine as is, just as my other plugins are. If you do not like it, don’t use it. Simple as that.

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“Why should we use this over UICorner?? What’s the point of this?”
These kinds of replies are pretty annoying to see. You’re the one who gets to decide if you want to use this. If you’d rather use this over UICorner, then go ahead. This was released before UICorner was. Do you expect OP to delete this? Resources aren’t for pushing your things onto others and saying “use my module/plugin because it’s better than (other resource)!” So why are you treating it like some sort of competition? Let’s see who can put out the best resource and say why it’s better than anything else? Is that what the resources topic is about? If you’d rather use something else, then why don’t you just do that…? No one is forcing you to use one thing over another.