You could use the %.[n]g or %.[n]e specifier in string.format but it does convert them to scientific notation for some values (you should be able to convert them into decimal form using string manipulation).
Here’s an implementation that handles signed integers.
local function RoundToSignificantFigures(Number, SignificantFigures)
Number = math.round(Number) --Integer coercion.
local Divisor = if Number < 0 then string.len(Number) - SignificantFigures - 1 else string.len(Number) - SignificantFigures
return math.round(Number / math.pow(10, Divisor)) * math.pow(10, Divisor)
local Values = {56218489, 7380, 918247543}
for _, Value in ipairs(Values) do
print(RoundToSignificantFigures(Value, 2))