Rounding numbers to the nearest hundredth

So if I have 0.41506968 it rounds to the nearest hundredth which would be 0.4

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You should look into math.floor.

Here is an example of a function that uses math.floor, to round numbers to a desired place.

Also, in your example, 0.4 would be rounding to the tenths place, not the hundredths.


Please check to see if your question has been asked before posting. There are about 7 other topics with the same question.

Look up “How to round numbers” on the devforum search bar.


They all show how to round to whole numbers

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There’s now a math.round function but it goes to the nearest integer.

For other cases you might have to implement your own function:

local function round(x, degree, base)
	base = base or 10 -- default
	degree = degree or 0 -- default
	local n = base ^ degree
	return math.floor(x * n + 0.5) / n

print(round(0.41506968, 2)) --> 0.42
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The function from the link I posted has a numPlaces parameter, that allows you to input the number of places you want to keep.


how do I make it so it always rounds down?

local function floor(x)
		return x - x % 1

local Timee = floor(Time * (10^2)) / (10^2)

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math.floor always rounds down from 0.5. If you wanted to round up you would have to use math.ceil.