Royal Australian Army - Uniforms & Duty Information


Our group has specific uniforms created for different ranks. We trust our members to keep the correct uniforms on at all times while playing our games. This is a short guide detailing which uniforms are used by certain people. Additionally, it will be going over some information regarding what duties you should be conducting and where you should be.


There are multiple uniforms, and they are used in many different ways. To view their uses and restrictions, click the name of the uniform, and a drop-down with information will show. Click the uniform’s name again to close.

Standard Uniform

The standard uniform is used for general duties and all regiments that do not have specialty outfits. There are no restrictions set in place other than civilians cannot use them.

Military Police Uniform

The military police or MP uniform is restricted to members of the Royal Military Police. They usually have red belts or a vest (usually neon green) to differentiate between other members. They will also have a red hat.

Physical Training Uniform

The physical training or PT uniform is used during tryouts of any kind, training, and when otherwise instructed to leadership and above.


Each regiment holds its own set of duties. This will outline some of the most notable responsibilities they have.

Royal Military Police

The Royal Military Police is responsible for making sure all of the army’s facilities are secure at all times. They will generally guard the gate and be the first line of defense when it comes to trespassers.

2nd Commando Regiment

Second is the 2nd Commando Regiment. They are a tactical team usually doing protections and on the front line of battle. They are highly trained, so do not get in their way!

Education and Training Services

Education and Training Services are in place to train low ranks. They will give some of the essential knowledge you’ll get in your time at the Royal Australian Army.

This is currently a work in progress, and the regiment is not operational.


The infantry regiment is the default regiment. Every member will start like this. They will need to try out for a regiment to conduct specific duties. There is no specific duty set in place for infantry.

Area Restrictions

Restrictions are set in place to ensure the safety, security, and organization of all of the Royal Australian Army’s establishments.

  • Civilians are not allowed into and onto any of the Royal Australian Bases. This, however, can be waved by High Command. If there is a gamepass in the future, it will be added here.

  • Regiments should not go into other regiment’s tents. It confuses people and doesn’t respect the organization. There will always be signs next to tents.

If there are other restrictions set in place, they will be added here.

vhaddie, Chief of the Army (Head of Moderation)