RPG Devlog #1: Most interactive upcoming RPG game on Roblox!

Land of Anima, An RPG game that has certain elements that most RPG games on Roblox doesn’t have. Land of Anima is an RPG game that has it’s story centered mostly on single player elements while mixing it with multiplayer gameplay.

The game features a fully destroyable environment as well as interactive gameplay.
Below are the things that already exist within the early phase of the game as well as it’s features:

Game Features:

  • Destroyable Terrain objects

  • Gatherable Objects (Vegetables,Fruits,Items,Weapons,Rocks, Etc)

  • Interactable Posters and Books (Contains actual part of the game’s lore.)

  • Quest System (A quest system that chooses your path! Be it Protagonist or Antagonist!)

  • Fully Destroyable houses & Buildings (Game contains fully destroyable buildings for more realism!)

  • Progressive Lores (The game contains actual and canon lores that follows the path you chose.)

  • Craftable Items/Objects (Tents,Campfires,Boats,Furnaces/Cooking place, You name it!)

  • Race system (Game contains several Races to choose from! (Elves,Dwarves,Humans,Demons,Spirits and more!)

More features will be added upon moving through game’s phases.

Video clip:

We have social medias dedicated for this game as well as trello board!

Trello: Trello

Discord: Land of Anima [IN DEV]


This sounds interesting… :no_mouth:
The game looks amazing. I’m going to keep a track of the devlogs.
Well done so far :+1:
If you want I could maybe help you guys by making GFX for free.


Thanks for the feedback!
And also for the offer, we might be able to do it on our own. Although if something’s needed, I’ll let you know right away!


This game looks really cool so far! Good luck with it!


This looks awesome! I really like that you can be the antagonist. I loved Undertale and how it painted you as the bad guy when you killed everybody.

Destroyable terrain is a great feature that first off adds realism, and second off is pretty fun to play around with.

Another feature that I find cool is the race system. I really like when games have different races that each have different buffs!

Lore!?!? I love figuring out lore in games, but most Roblox games are missing story telling elements like this.


Thanks for your feedback!
This will greatly improve the game in the near future.


DO NOT JOIN THE DISCORD, It looks like it’s been raided, it contains alot of innapropriate images and racial slurs.