RPG game Development Progress #1

Overall Progress that Has been made to my RPG game

**Current **

Simple Combat System
Inventory System
Status Effect[Burn and Heal]
NPC interaction[is not in this video]
Exp System

Plans to Add

.>Adding Parry, Block and Plunge mechanism to combat system

Expanding Inventory[Clothes(health Incement), Foods(Heals, Buffs), Artifacts(Boost, Buff, can be Found on Dungeon, Chest)]
More Status Effect [Slowed, Dizzy, Poisoned(Same as Burn),etc.]
NPC Animations and Quests

What can be improved or Added to my game?


Interesting basic system.

Since you are building a RPG style game, you can simplify combat by creating two tables when combat starts. The tables are arrays from 1 to 1000. Within those arrays, you fill them with integers such as this:

  1. Dodge
  2. Block
  3. Parry
  4. Critical Hit
  5. Hit

If you plan on having stats such as strength, stamina, agility, intelligence, wisdom, and spirit, and if you plan on having classes like priest, wizard, warrior, paladin, thief, ranger, etc… You can fill the table based on the stats between the two entities. There’s a lot of math involved in pulling this off. But to pick one, you do a roll from 1-1000 using the random class. After that, it’s all about probabilities.

  • Strength: How hard you hit in melee and how good you block.
  • Stamina: How much HP you have.
  • Agility: How quickly you can move and dodge.
  • Intelligence: How much mana/spell power you have.
  • Wisdom: How hard you hit with spells.
  • Spirit: How fast mana/spell power/health regenerates.

How this would interact with the different classes could be something like this:

  • Warrior/Paladin: attack/parry: strength
  • Thief/Ranger: attack/parry: agility
  • Wizard/Priest: attack: wisdom, parry: 1/2 agility, 1/2 strength

Stats also have other side effects too. Stamina can determine how far you can travel on foot before you have to rest. Strength determines how much weight you can carry. All items have weight, but some items can modify those stats. Plate armor can increase strength and stamina. Leather armor can increase stamina and agility. Cloth armor can increase intelligence and wisdom. Anything can increase spirit. Some items modify all the stats. For example: In a very popular MMORPG, they have an item called “The One Ring” which is a ring that you wear. It increases all stats by 1. Then there’s “The Two Ring” which increases all stats by 2. It can be as easy or as complicated as you want.

But when calculating your attack table, you also have to consider the target stats too. The levels between the interacting entities comes into play as well. So if one entity is at a much higher level than the other, the lower level one may not even be able to hit the higher level entity which the higher level entity makes all critical hits.

There’s a REALLY good reddit post on this if you’re interested.

Implementing a system like this opens up a whole array of possibilities. You can have PvE and PvP situations with levels and stats playing critical roles in combat.

Have fun.


Thanks for the great idea! Using tables with probabilities based on stats like strength, agility, and intelligence sounds like a solid way to balance combat. I’ll definitely implement such system for a more engaging gameplay experience.

There’s something else I forgot to mention…

Talent Trees. That really popular MMORPG, I’ve played it for like 15 years. It’s been around about 20 years. You get one talent point per level starting at level 10. Then you fill in the trees. In that game, there’s three trees depending on what specialization you want to do for a particular class. I remember some of them:

  • Druid: Balance, Feral, Restoration. This class will shapeshift into different forms depending on the need. They can tank, dps, and heal.
  • Hunter/Ranger: Beast Mastery, Marksman, Survival. They tame beasts in the wild as companions. Another class that’s hard to beat if the player is skilled.
  • Mage: Fire, Frost, Arcane. The quintessential magic user class. Mages are basically glass cannons. Gnome mages are highly annoying in PvP combat (personal experience).
  • Paladin: Holy, Protection, Retribution. The healer that will not die. LOL
    They have introduced new classes since I last played.
  • Priest: Holy, Shadow, Discipline. They can heal or harm really good. A shadow priest has a few abilities similar to a mind flayer if you play Dungeons & Dragons.
  • Rogue (Thief): Assassination, Outlaw, Sublety. They can turn invisible and stalk around and you can’t see them. A skilled rogue is a master assassin.
  • Shaman: Elemental, Enhancement, Restoration. They drop totems when needed. They are like a mage but with chainmail armor.
  • Warlock: Affliction, Destruction, Demonology. A very powerful magic user that summons and enslaves demonic pets. Not many players can beat a skilled warlock (personal experience).
  • Warrior: Arms, Protection, Fury. The quintessential melee class that can use all armor and weapons except wands.

If you implement races, there are racial traits that you can implement too. The caveat here though is that every racial or class ability must be separately coded. As for the abilities, a core setup that looks at everything then generates the tables. There would be the master ability set that is displayed to the user after all modifiers are taken into account (stats from equipped gear, buffs, and debuffs). Anything that modifies stats causes a recalculation of the main set. If in combat, then the roll tables are recalculated too. This can be done from a library module script. Internally, all buffs and debuffs have stat modifier tables which are applied to the main set. To do this, you would start with the character’s base stats modified by level. Then you apply the stats from gear. Then you apply all the buffs, then all the debuffs. The result is your main set. Debuffs can do other things besides modify stats. They can be DOTs (Damage Over Time) in various forms (poison, fire, bleed, etc…) or perform some special functions like cause an explosion when it times out damaging the target and anyone around them. A warlock has one called Curse of Doom that does a lot of damage every 15 seconds and it lasts for 60 seconds. If the afflicted dies from it, there’s a chance that it will summon a Doomguard Commander. Be creative.

On top of that, there are resistances to various schools of magic. The seven schools of magic are fire, water, earth, air, light, shadow, and arcane.

  • Fire: mage, warlock, shaman
  • Water: mage, shaman (I think)
  • Earth: shaman, druid
  • Air: shaman
  • Light: paladin, priest
  • Shadow: priest, warlock
  • Arcane: mage

Most of this came from memory so there might be errors, but you get the idea. My suggestion is don’t try to code everything all at once. Add a few races, classes, and their abilities to start, then add stuff over time. If a player wants to change their class, you can charge them Robux to reset their class, talent points, etc…


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