Hi, I want to make a save slot system for my RPG game but I happend to confront this issue: “How will I able to save the data from the GAME and send it to the MAIN MENU start place so the player knows which save is that”
I found that I can use Global Data Store for that but I can`t find any tutorial on that.
Please do not ask people to write entire scripts or design entire systems for you. What have you tried so far? Do you know how to use datastores at all yet? I suggest not letting the user name their saves, and instead automate what they are. Perhaps you could just use Save 1, Save 2, etc. Or maybe Red, Green, and Blue, as the names for the save slots.
Some other things you should know when making this:
Data persists across all places in the game
Sending data using TeleportData is not good practice
Datastores have limits, try not to get too much data just in the main menu
Duplication exploits will exist if there isn’t session locking and caching
You should use a module like Datastore2 or ProfileService to ensure data loss is impossible (unless there is a server crash)
Unsure whether Datastore2 is better than ProfileService, or the other way around. I’ve been using Datastore2 and it’s had no problems, even after modifying it. But, maybe ProfileService is better for some people.