R/place now on Roblox!

It is still 3D, just a top view camera.

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Then you should use greedy meshing to make the pixels more performant, its so slow even on a I5 10400 and GTX 970 it barely loads


Had a quick look at it, looks like a lot new to code on. I feel like 20 seconds loading screen is alright since it’s only once when you join, but I am working on optimizing it! Keep in mind that each 500,000 parts colors has to be stores, along with attributes saying when they where placed, by who etc.


Its not only when I log in. Its constantly running at 5FPS.


Uh, it’s running super smoothly on my device, and everyone who tried it. I’m not sure what that could’ve been, since the only code that could lag you down that much is only the loading of the canvas, there is no other active code nor behavior in the engine that would bring you down there. The game has fewer vertices than some of your major front-page games.

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It could be clientside rendering times. If you are using standard Parts, then all of the sides of every part are being drawn, which is fine for modern GPUs since they can cull, but mobile phones, or older GPUs – like those in Macs – don’t have the capability of doing so, resulting in a dramatic slowdown.

To fix this, try switching to a MeshPart where the mesh is only a two-triangle surface. That should cut down your render time.

You can also use greedy meshing on the clientside, to merge and resize two blocks with the same exact color to lower rendering time further.


ur making that a bigger issue then it is, it would be classified as user generated content and not classified under the game, just because some people got banned for it doesnt mean others will.

theres been hundreds of place knockoffs, and perhaps thousands of these “group drawing” experiences, i highly doubt this one will suddenly cause an influx in bans about them.

as for the actual post, i think once your playerbase gets big enough (or if it gets big enough), add a claim system, so you can protect your builds for a short amount of time (eg. 24 hours), maybe make it paid so you can get some money from this project. you dont want to introduce something like this in your starting stages, but eventually that could be a really easy and very safe way to earn some robux from this. As for the idea itself, its good! I would test it out but maintenance so… ill come back later once its done lol :sweat_smile:


If you happen to be running it on studio for the test, but it’s laggy on regular servers or team test, then it’s lag happening on the server. The “server” side in studio is still hosted on your own computer, so that’d explain why it’d be smooth assuming that you are testing on studio.


Yep, exactly what I said.

He should use DynamicMeshes (https://create.roblox.com/docs/reference/engine/classes/DynamicMesh) for this.


I got it okay but I highly doubt that there would be good moderation for this game. Thats why I mentioned that but now as you have all corrected me, thanks, I suppose?


it doesnt matter if this game is moderated or not, not only would a moderator have to play the game to see the nsfw content (very unlikely in 2023) in the extremely rare scenario he would get banned, it would be the easiest appeal of his life lol


Why do you think that? I personally have literally no popular games, but I still put work into my moderation systems because that’s an integral part of any online game. Especially competitive ones. It’s unfair to assume that someone just doesn’t add moderation, especially when it’s a dev studio and the studio does have a decent following.


I managed to fit all the Pixels data in the DataStore, and now I’m facing the problem with Script timeout: exhausted allowed time. So the data won’t save in less than 30 seconds I suppose, where do I go from here? Anyone?


Where is the script timeout occuring? If it’s occuring on the datastore line where you save the pixels, then there’s not much you can do I suppose. If it happens somewhere in a loop, you’d need to yield every so often with something like task.wait(). Though it would be extremely valuable if it was able to be optimized further.


The game is now open again, all problems SOLVED, happy painting!

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Not gonna lie, r/place clones have always been pretty stale. The reason r/place is so successful is because it’s hosted officially on a platform of hundreds of millions of users. Every user is notified when it happens, so of course a lot of users are going to participate. The situation on Roblox is different. The clones I’ve seen didn’t have a playerbase (or atleast not a big one) in whatever studio it was being developed before being released. The game is on Roblox, sure, but it’s not endorsed by Roblox like Reddit’s is. There also comes the problem with originality. r/place is and has always been the go-to event for gathering communities to draw on a canvas. Not that much people from it are going to go to an almost identical copy from a different developer and on a different platform. That’s what really makes these games “dead” to me. They don’t do anything different. Hope that would change someday.


I honestly love this comment. The future idea for this place is to keep it as clean as possible. Therefor I skipped the whole Roblox Avatar stuff and got right into just the Canvas, there will be the smaller quality-of-life improvements for the game. But I’m hoping time and that people who discover it builds the community.

My personal reference is that Canvas actually feels clean, compares to the other 2 clones I’ve seen.


Oh don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t trying to be rude or condescending or anything, just discussion. Sorry if it came off that way.


I haven’t tried the game out yet but an idea I really think could help this game grow is a group system.
My ideas for this:

  • Someone can host a group, and they can make it public or private,
  • People can join/request to join. The owner can send invites.
  • The group can set coordinates that everyone in the group draws at (anyone can draw there, but groups can say specifically to draw there)
  • The group has ranks like “Owner”, “Image poster”, “Artist”, and the owner & image posters can post Roblox decals that the group can collectively decide to either draw or not draw through an approval system.

Obviously you could change any of this. It’s just an idea that could help make it more organized like the official one, because as it is right now, the people playing would either need outside organization or people would need to make things by themselves.

Also I’d change the palette from orange and black to something else and black, just to show that it’s independent from r/Place while still taking inspiration.