RTL Text doesn't get translated BACK to English

Reproduction Steps

You can test the game out here: Translate Time! - Roblox

System Info: Windows 10, Intel(R) Core™ i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz, 16GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070

Repro File:
RTL Bug Report.rbxl (66.2 KB)

While I have a repro file here, you will still need to add the text to the localization panel in your game like so:

Expected Behavior

1. Text Translates to Arabic when clicking the button on the screen :white_check_mark:
2. Text Translates BACK to English when clicking the button on the screen :negative_squared_cross_mark:

Actual Behavior

Text Translates to Arabic, but the Localization service has a hard time bringing it back </3

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Display
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly

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Hi @Dev0mar , thanks for reporting the issue. Somehow the image you posted looks broken to me and the game is a private experience, are you able to adjust them? Also thanks for providing a repro file here.

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Oop, sorry about that! The experience should now be public.

The image showed when I expanded it, though didn’t otherwise so wasn’t sure if that was on my end or not :sweat_smile: fixed now, hopefully!

Hi @Dev0mar, thanks for reaching out. This is intended behavior as all input strings to a translator instance are assumed to be in the source language of the localization table. Rather than passing in the current text of the object you should just pass in the source text. This behavior will be the same regardless of whether the language is RTL or not.

Also note that there is already an existing mechanism that allows users to toggle between languages from the settings menu. If you just use AutoLocalize to handle your translations this will work automatically without you having to do any scripting at all, however if you do need to script your translations you can listen to the LocaleId property change signal as described in the " Reacting to Users Switching Languages" section here: Localizing with Scripting | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub


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