Ruining lifes of Cheat Engine pseudo-"exploiters"

You got everything wrong there, this wont basically be efficient at all.

    1. You cant rename CoreGui or interact with it as server or client!
      Only ROBLOX and EXPLOITERS can, it’s an important service.

Exploiters can only interact with the coregui, they cant rename a service.

    1. Most skids can hook KICK() if the script classname is based on LOCALSCRIPT.

You cannot change the player’s parent location too, you could instead do this below.


When you destroy a player it will do 2 things, Kick you or delete you from the game.

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

If it kicks you the error will say something releated to “player datamodel”.
If it deletes you, you are stuck in air.

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