Ruining lifes of Cheat Engine pseudo-"exploiters"

Your favorite anti-cheat developer is back again with a new detection.

This time, we will stop all modified Cheat Engine users, however, I will not be “namedropping” anyone.

Made in “record-breaking” ~12 minutes.

CEraser.lua (7.0 KB)

Now with configuration available!


Feel free to share it around and do whatever you want with it.

To CE "exploit" developers:

And obviously, good luck patching it.

Mobile Exploits detections: A simple, yet effective, detection for all mobile exploits - Resources / Community Resources - Developer Forum | Roblox
Electron detection: A quick way to detect exploiters that use Electron - Resources / Community Resources - Developer Forum | Roblox


cheat anticheat anti-cheat anti cheat anti exploit exploit antiexploit antiexploit cheat engine cheatengine cheat-engine ce detection hack antihack anti-hack speedhack antispeedhack anti-speedhack anti-speed hack anti speed hack anti-speed-hack antispeed-hack antispeed hack security protection protect sanity check sanity checks sanitary check sanitary checks electron synapse krnl prevent exploits stop exploits




So… the quicker it takes to make the better it is? :thinking:


Yeah, thats just how it works.


2 weeks later we gonna be seeing:
“With the power of AI, you can detect any cheat injection and do whatever you want! :speaking_head::speaking_head::skull:

That aside this looks like you can customize it a bit from the get go, I’ll leave a bookmark here and check it out another time


You know, I used to hate these posts with exploit fixes that can be bypassed in 10 minutes.

But now they are kind of useful, now that byfron exists it takes so much longer for them to bypass these, and byfron has not even been bypassed yet, all the “bypasses” involve using old modded clients, which will eventually break.

So yeah, I want to see more posts like these, so i can make a script and cram loads of these injection detection methods to ruin exploiter’s lives.


Modded Clients? I never seen anyone mod the Roblox client unlike other games, but that might be because i am familiar with modding singleplayer games that i might be out-of-touch with these methods exploiters use, but doesn’t Modded Roblox Clients include bootstrappers? Or is it more similar to injection or do they actually modify the internals of the Roblox client and the client-side version of the engine? If it’s the second one it would be kinda cool to see if someone makes a modified client that doesn’t just add exploit stuff but improve some stuff about the engine

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sadly roblox doesn’t support modded clients and will not, since the anti cheat most likely will flag it as a cheat.

That’s sad, imagine if Roblox had a singleplayer mode altrough i don’t think it would be offline regardless considering assets would still be retrieved from the website

most CE devs moved from _G to just a simple script hub

also most of these name changing techniques can be bypassed using findfirstchildofclass or classname or getservice (that is if it can be done via CE)

What makes this so easily bypassed? I mean those are strong words, can you let us know what makes it so easy? The way you talk about it really does seem like it is useless to rename things through a script. Isn’t the whole idea to make it impossible to detect localscripts, or at least important ones?

for example if an exploiter is trying to call game.Players in the game Jailbreak, it would error since jailbreak spoofs service names (ex Workspace, Players, ReplicatedStorage, ETC). The way to bypass that is to use GetService.

in a sense CE can use FindFirstChildOfClass or ClassName (given they have the correct offsets) and find an object based on the class name rather than the name that this script spoofed it to.

(mb for any werid english im sooo tired rn)

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I truly appreciate you trying your best to get rid of these cheaters. This will save me time for my next project. :slight_smile: RoExploiters and their egos are grasping at the slippery bar.

This is a great example of how not to respond to skeptics.

@IBuildFunGames brought up very valid points and you need to address them instead of insulting him.



Those are preventions, because those CE-based “executors” are manually indexing the services, meaning the Init Script will error and execution will be broken.

Yes, indeed you can do GetService or FindFirstChildOfClass (or do it the unoptimized way and iterate over the DataModel’s Children, althought it takes significantly more time), but it’s a prevention (in this case, to break the execution of the init script)

That’s like publishing a detection; it will eventually get patched by the developers
These preventions will also get patched, but there are still a lot of other ones

TL;DR: The preventions are there to temporarely break execution; not permanently


I have been testing it and I can see what everyone is talking about but honestly what he is doing here is good stuff, I mean take for granded rn exploiters have a huge advantage over us (roblox has giving them way more power). Anything we can do to help deter 90% of people is good.

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@Nik_77510 @IBuildFunGames

Thank you for reporting my message which had brought up his “valid” points. That is absolutely a reasonable thing to do.

They are “valid” only because they are from my code’s comments, I pointed all them out as a way to troll exploit developers since they are extremely incompetent and won’t do anything.

I have pointed them all out in the previous comment, but you decided to hid it in […].

As I said, those would be temporary & lazy fixes, which will just patch some of my ways to break their CE.
Those are just obstacles to make the bypass a lot harder for those developers.

There are ways to break their CE and ways to detect it, I combined them both in my script.
So maybe, don’t flag my replies as “off-topic” and just DM me about it?

“There is no reason to DM someone who talks that way.”
That’s your problem to not want to have a conversation, that’s a fallacy in your arguments. Good luck communicating in real life.

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Hello thispassed, your post was not off-topic, it was insulting. This is not how you talk to people.

There is no reason to DM someone who talks that way.

Returning to your script, pointing out the flaws in your own code is totally fine and no script, especially when it comes to anti-exploiting, has to be perfect. The issue is when you then respond to criticism of those flaws by issuing personal attacks instead of working to remedy them or create a more robust script.

I think the moment has passed now and we should get back to talking about the resource in question.


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My recommendation would be as follows:

  • Rename CoreGui as well since most exploits put the GUI’s there
  • Instead of kicking, you could do player.Parent = nil infinitely since :Kick() could be hooked

This is a pretty good solution to weed out the basic skid but wouldn’t stop more advanced skids.

Remember: you are only on IDENTITY 2! This means no CoreGui renaming!

This is a showcase, meant to be added to your own anticheat, not a guide on how to kick players safely off the game.