I think that Rule #16 is a bit confusing. It only says that you cannot post stuff from restricted categories outside of these.
However, this is what I do not understand:
Can stuff from a restricted category be mentioned in another restricted category? Say, if you mention stuff from Moderation Review Requests (a category only accessible to Regulars) in Lounge (another category only available to Regulars), will it count as breaking Rule #16?
No. What it means is you cannot leak content in public areas.
For instance you cannot post stuff from anything with a lock to non-regulars in places like discord, or a public category like #help-and-feedback.
You cannot reference anything from a category that requires Regular to a normal Member. Such instances is the #discussion category. Especially sensitive information. This is similar to a non-disclosure agreement but it is a rule.
Does this mean #forum-feedback / #help-and-feedback:cool-creations content can be leaked? I am pretty sure this rule applies to all categories with a lock on them, which means they are private and require an account or higher trust level to see them.
Explicitly sensitive information. If I reckon correctly, someone did inform me about something about that. You can still share some of the information there but some of it is off-limits. Not exactly sure.
This rule is outdated, we’ll probably upgrade in the future. For now please just follow it as written until we change it. That means not sharing forum content that you can’t see while logged out outside of the forum, and don’t share content only visible to Regulars in categories that only Members can see, unless you have explicit permission / you were the person that originally posted it.
So I can post about stuff in restricted categories to another restricted category? (both only available to Regulars?)
You can post #platform-feedback:moderation-review-requests stuff in #lounge and vice versa. The rule simply states to not make that content visible to non-regulars without the permission of the author of the content you are posting.