{Rules} ~ Elite Business Center

:tada:Rules and Guidelines for Elite Business Center:tada:

  • If you want to report an action, or appeal a ban create a report ticket and support will be your way

The following rules are required to follow while playing Elite Business Center.

Shortened Rule List

  • No trolling of any kind, this includes booth blocking, troll order requests, etc.

  • No abuse of Elite Business Centers features, this refers to, Direct Message spam, troll orders, irritating music, etc.

  • No racism or hostility.

  • Group buying/selling is against the Roblox Terms of Services; therefore, it is strictly prohibited.

  • No bypassed decals or text.

  • No begging for Robux or any currency value.

  • We are a positive and welcoming community, we would like to keep it like that! Be positive; don’t create any unnecessary animosity.

  • We cannot retrieve lost Robux, if you believe you are being scammed or have gotten scammed, with picture proof, you may submit a report ticket on the Elite Studios Incorporations Discord server.

  • No scamming.


There are many more rules right below in the Full-version of the rules. Administrators, Moderators, Trainees, and any role of Management has the right to question you, and tell you to stop your action, even if it may not be on the rule list.

Extended Rule List

{1} Common Sense
Any rule that has “Common Sense” in it refers back to here.
Behavior Common Sense
-If you are doing something that you think/you feel it may be wrong, don’t do it.
-If you are being told to stop an action many people may believe is wrong, it is required to stop before any action by Staff is taken.
-Any raids or riots token place in EBC will lead to severe consequences.
-Do not try to use third party systems in EBC as you will be permanently banned. {e.g: Synapse}
-Spamming Orders constantly/Spamming Direct Messages will get you temporarily banned.
-Behavior from the rules below applies as well.

Advertising Business Common Sense
-You may use EBC’s exquisite features to benefit your business.
-If you are reported for scamming, and action is taken place, you can place an appeal, depending on your case action will be accepted.
-If you own a Roblox Group and you are banned, your group will be banned.
-You may only advertise Roblox Related services; this goes for all sections.

Group Common Sense
-If you are advertising a Group that may support, reflect, or role-plays the actions of public events, no action will take place unless you mention or promote those specific actions.
-If a Group you are advertising breaks a rule action will be made depending on the case.

Game Advertising Common Sense
-If you are advertising a faulty, political, copied, or scam game, you will be temporarily banned along with the game, or worse, depending on your case.
-You may advertise games you don’t own; if you advertise games from a negative perspective, you will be temporarily banned.

Trading Common Sense
EBC Trading Features are limited to Version 1, in future updates we will focus more on the Trading aspect
-If you believe the person you are trading with is trying to scam you, don’t trade with them and report them to the Elite Studios Incorporations Server with picture proof.

{2} No begging for Robux or any currency value
Common Sense: this is not the place to beg, begging in general on ROBLOX is very unwanted. You will be warned if you are begging, and eventually a temporarily ban.

{3} Positivity
Be positive in your best ability to others no matter the case, you will be warned if you cannot contain this.

{4} No bypassed decals or text
Any bypassed decals or text will result in an instant ban with potential appeals.

{5} Buying/Selling Groups
Buying/Selling groups is against the ROBLOX ToS; it creates an unwanted/unwelcoming presence. If this takes place, you will be put on a temporary ban, eventually a permanent ban.

{6} No racism or hostility
Common Sense; racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, sexism, etc is strictly prohibited. If this action occurs, the player will be temporarily banned, and eventually permanently banned.

{7} No trolling
Common Sense; Actions of bullying/harassing others. If someone asks you to stop your action (with a reasonable explanation), you must stop. Blocking booths, putting negative messages on Text Signs or Decal Signs, sending negative Direct Messages, recruiting/supporting raid groups is not tolerated at EBC. You will receive a warning at first, then eventually a temporary ban.
EBC is not the place to “meme” you will be warned if you relate to “memeing.”

{8} We cannot retrieve Lost Robux
Common Sense: if you feel like someone is scamming you, don’t continue your task with them. If you pay Robux to someone and they don’t return what they promised, you may report them in the Elite Studios Incorporations by making a ticket.

{9} No exploiting/hacking
Common Sense; exploiting/hacking is dubious to the Roblox ToS, players/groups supporting this will be permanently banned with no chance to appeal. https://en.help.roblox.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004647846-Roblox-Terms-of-Use

{10} No Player impersonation
Common Sense; Impersonating staff or players will lead to a temporary ban.

{11} No Scamming
Common Sense; Any variation of scamming or attempt at scamming will result in a permanent ban with no chance to appeal. Please send Video proof of the scam taking place.

{12} No abuse of EBC’s features
Common Sense; Spamming Direct Messages, shouts, messages, etc.
You may have FOUR booths only for the same Group/Game.
Booths about: Change my Mind, Rating avatars, Feedback, etc are allowed as long as it is contained.

{13} Don’t play the staffs role
If you see someone breaking the EBC Rules, you may report them and gain “Credits”, which you can use in the Elite Studios Incorporations Server to buy roles and more perks.
Do not refrain from phrases when reporting someone like: “I am getting you banned,” “You’re going to get banned,” etc.

{14} Staff in your server
If you notice a staff member in your server, you may talk to them and while following all the rules be a ** regular player**
Abusing staff with statements like: “You are the worst staff ever!”, “I will get you fired,” “You will be banned,” etc is prohibited and will get you permanently banned.
Do not try to recruit Elite Studios Incorporations staff, they are trained to reject you and report you.
Moderators, Administrators, and Roles of Management always have the final say no matter the case.
If you feel like a staff is not doing their job or abusing, you may Direct Message: Gettuse
, FlqmingDragons#2742, or MikeAnchose#9207 with proof.

:clap: Closure :clap:

-If you want to appeal a ban place a report ticket in the Elite Studios Incorporations server and follow instructions.
-If you want to know more about the rules or more clarification: Direct Message: MikeAnchose#9207

Update Log: To be Posted!
Promotion Log: To be Posted!