Rules for Radio Controllers (Innovation Inc Patrol Team)

Radio Controllers are essential for the Innovation Inc Patrol Team, as their job and expectation are to host patrols. RCs should carefully study these rules so that they’re prepared. Read all 3 sections and familiarize yourself with the rules.

Basic Rules

Your joins must be set to “everyone” during a patrol.
You must respond to infections and guide the rest of the patrol.
You must patrol the game that won the vote.
If somebody breaks rules, you must tell them that they are violating rules. If they continue, please log the incident and send it in the communication server’s patrol issues channel. (RC+)
You must announce your Patrol on the Group Shout.

Voting/Admin system rules:

Do not admin abuse during patrols.
Do not lock voting options without a valid reason.
Only patrol a base once. (For example, if you patrolled the Labs, then you can’t go to the Labs again in that patrol.)
Give people a reasonable amount of time to vote.
Lock all games that you have already patrolled or can not patrol due to server size.

Depending on the duration of the patrol the amount of points will be decided. (POINTS WILL ONLY BE GIVEN AT THE END OF THE PATROL.)

30 minutes - 3 points and 2 bonus points (Bonus points can be given to a max of 2 people)

60 minutes - up to 5 points and 2 bonus points

120 minutes - up to 7 points and 3 bonus points.

In a Mass Patrol (over 120 minutes) only a maximum of 12 points may be given. Bonus’s do not apply. Points are to be given at the end of the Patrol at the HQ.

You must perform attendance checks when doing your Patrol for ex. "At xx:15 I will be performing my first attendance check, Please say “Here” If you’re attending.

Group Shout rules

Do not post irrelevant group shouts unless given permission.
Announce whether a patrol is a mini-patrol a regular patrol, or a mass patrol.
Do not spam group shouts to get people’s attention.

IIPT is a group owned and managed by MisterDarkThingyV4, and is not officially correlated with Innovation Inc.

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