Rules & Guidelines Welcome to Cavz Hotel! Before you begin your journey we would like you to read these rules and guidelines, for the safety of you and everyone else! Not complying with these things will result in many consequences. 1 - Trolling is not allowed by staff or guests. It is against the rules and it makes us look unprofessional to everyone else. We try to make a community that does not troll or look Unprofessional. 2 - Spamming is against the rules and you will be demoted if you do it. We don’t recommend it unless you want to be demoted or lowered down in ranks and. 3 - Hacking & Exploiting we don’t allow this anywhere on our lands and it breaks roblox TOS and it will result in a lot of punishments. We don’t recommend it as you will be Pban from all our games and blacklisted from joining the hotel on any account.
4 - Raiding - Please don’t raid as it is making chat overflow with the same messages over and over, you will most likely be reported to a SHR+ for a Temp ban / Over 1 month, Please note this is very serious and won’t be tolerated within our Group. 5 - Swearing is a very serious thing at our roblox group. We will make sure to add more updates to keep our group safe in the future but now please don’t swear. 6 - Breaking roblox TOS is not allowed here in any way. We don’t like people who go over breaking them! They are put in place for the safety of staff and guests all over the platform. 7 - Copy and paste is not allowed for ranks under Intern, if you are seen doing this it will lead to many bad punishments, Only times MR+ can use it is at training sessions. 8 - Online Dating is not allowed at BTP as it is breaking our Terms of Services and Roblox T.O.S if you do see someone doing it please report them to a SHR+ right after with proof. Not following the rules at any time will be a Pban or a demotion at any time necessary please contact a SHR+ for questions.
Admin commands! - kick (If the person had 3 warnings or kick-able offense) - ban (If the person had 3 kicks or ban-able offense) - to - Sit - jump - info - view - h (May only be used for important messages) - m (May only be used by SHR) Any commands with “all” in it is not allowed, it could lead into a demotion.
Ranks There are a various number of different roles, ranks, jobs and duties to do within the hotel, and with each of those there are certain guidelines and expectations to be followed ,covering those Ranks guidelines and expectations in order to give you an easier time completing tasks. Promotions You will get promoted by showing unique dedication towards our company. Not everyone gets promoted by attending lots of sessions. Only the most professional and the most deserving members of management can highly satisfy our Human Resources department in order to be promoted to a higher rank. This means if you’re a Staff, attending in a majority of sessions and making as few mistakes as possible will most likely earn you a promotion if this behavior is kept consistently. If you’re a Middle Rank and above, you must show extreme leadership, determination, and activity everywhere at the hotel. Demotion You can also be demoted for your inconsistent schedule at your job or if our Human Resources department believes you do not suit your job correctly. You will be notified of why you were demoted through DMs, and if you react in an inappropriate manner, we will not hesitate to terminate your position and/or blacklist you from being hired at any other groups/games . Some reasons for a demotion are inactivity, immaturity, and misuse of a job. Meanwhile, some reasons for a termination are admin abuse, extreme immaturity/unprofessionalism, and extreme negative impact. Please keep in mind that this is only some of the possibilities of why you can be assigned a penalty and there are many more!
Credits of HandbookManoCountyReal_Owner/Owner & Chairman If you do have any more questions please contact me. Roblox: ManoCountyReal_Owner **Roblox Account Profile: jxst - Roblox