Rules Of Engagement - Void Clan
The Rules of Engagement is a guide on what to do within combat. Terminology is more important than one might think when it comes to warfare. Warfare is not a strong man’s game, it is a thinking man’s game.
The Rules of Engagement will be updated a lot, due to the fact it is the essentials to the void clan armed forces. It will be announced when this is updated via discord ping and group shout.
Section 1
On-Duty Engagement
On duty engagement means you are in a void clan battle and thus you have commander(s) to listen to.
Defensive Mannerisms
The most important guideline of On-Duty Engagement is to not engage unless attacked or ordered to by commanders / given other orders. This heavily applies in public servers. On default, the main goal is to survive. If you are always attacking everyone you see, you will soon be a primary target of many and it will be hard to survive and/or attack your primary objective when you are always busy standing your ground and defending your unit.
1.1) For example, if you attack everyone in a public mortem server, you’ll get pinned down and targeted and you won’t be able to proceed with the mission. But if you stick to yourself, and only defend yourself, you will be able to get to your location and attack whoever you need to attack.
Only attack those your size. Never attack more powerful and larger enemy. Hide and let them pass if you cannot handle them. The only real reason to attack a larger enemy is to be a decoy / distraction or if ordered too.
Always listen to the commander / squad leader. The commander / squad leader knows what they are doing, and has all the important details, such as the plan, objective, and communications to other troops. If a commander says get to this location, then go to location in question. If a commander says to hide along the road in a bush and to let a certain enemy group pass them on that road and to NOT engage, then do what he says!
Stick to the plan. The reason why the plan exists is for you to follow it so that void clan can win! If you think a plan won’t work, inform the commander. But always stick to it, no matter what, because a bunch of dis-organized troops are worse than organized troops, nonetheless.
Some Offensive Mannerisms apply here as well, such as offensive mannerism 2 and 3.
Offensive Mannerisms
Attack together. When you attack, it is important to all attack at once. This creates a more severe threat and offense to the enemy. An example of this is waves in trench warfare. When you send one man over the trench at a time, they will all die. Send them all, and you cannot kill them all. This offensive mannerism can be used in trench warfare, melee, and any other type of warfare. This also applies to gun combat. For example, firing in volleys will get more of them.
Always have someone watching your back. This offensive mannerism is simple. It is to prevent being flanked and ambushed easily.
Reconnaissance and intelligence is an important step. In military operations, reconnaissance or scouting is the exploration of an area by military forces to obtain information about enemy forces, terrain, and other activities. With intelligence, you can make sure you aren’t going to get ambushed, or you can find a less guarded spot to infiltrate into a area. It’s simply just better off to be with knowledge than to be without it.
Some defensive mannerisms apply here as well, such as defensive mannerisms 3/4, along with a few others.
Section 2
Off-Duty Engagement
Off duty engagement is when you are not participating in a void clan battle, and you are solo.
This section is not required to read, follow, or use. Think of Section 2 as tips for when you are just playing for fun or to win something, instead of for void clan.
If you are in a game with teams, try to organize your team! When you have an organized team, it’s 1000x more fun and gives you easy wins. An example is trench warfare. You can say whoever has the highest rank can command (and if you think the commander is incompetent, then get a new one!).
Play with friends. Pretty straight forward.