Run Animation too Fast

Hi , I made a running animation , and it was too fast , I need help with the local script
here is the local script

I only changed the weight 10 - 16 But it did not work so I changed the animation and it was but the animation is still too fast .
I don’t know but can you offer help?

To change the speed of an animation it is Animation:AdjustSpeed(1)
1 being the regular speed of the animation

If I recall correctly, weight only changes the chance of the animation playing (this is helpful for the idle animations of Roblox)

oh thanks , I will try it thanks

But where do I put "Animation:AdjustSpeed(1)

put it anywhwere after you reference the animation

Just know the the Animation is the animation name referenced

In line 22 try changing the speed which is set to 1, maybe try to use 0.75?