I am trying to make it so that after a player has moved for 3 seconds the game will give the player a coin. The problem I am having is how I am supposed to check if the player is moving and if 3 seconds have passed while moving, if the player is not moving then the timer will go to 0.
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Learn about for loops if you’re new.
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how would i use for loops for this?
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So when the event starts, you can use some debouncing + for loops I meant. Like this sorta
local db = false
-- Event
if db == false then
db = true
for i = 1, 3 do
-- Check the moving stuff
db = false
I wish I could help you more but I’m kinda busy. Good luck buddy.
Could do something like this on the server (not full code)
local Humanoid = --here
local PooledDeltaTime = 0
local IsMoving = Humanoid.MoveDirection.Magnitude > 0.1
if IsMoving then
PooledDeltaTime += DeltaTime
PooledDeltaTime = 0
If PooledDeltaTime >= 3 then
PooledDeltaTime = 0
– Run code here
(Wrote this on mobile sorry for unfortmattedness)
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local local_player = Players.LocalPlayer
local character = local_player.Character or local_player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local humanoid = character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
local ran_in_seconds = 0
local current_time = os.clock()
if humanoid.MoveDirection.Magnitude > 0 then
if ran_in_seconds >= 3 then
print("ran for 3 secconds")
ran_in_seconds = 0
current_time = os.clock()
ran_in_seconds = os.clock() - current_time
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