Run Context attribute defaulting to Legacy for New Scripts Which Causes Execution Issues when set to Legacy

How do I fix this problem so scripts won’t default it’s run context attribute to legacy? I don’t want to keep manually changing the run context attribute to the correct context, which is usually server or client.

I’d assume that this behavior in Roblox Studio isn’t normal, it usually is correct context, not always legacy. This just started happening today

This is the default RunContext for server scripts, the other context’s are client and server which client is really not recommended to be used as a RunContext of a server script and neither is the server RunContext (unless if you know what your doing). Instead, I recommend. stick to server scripts with their legacy RunContexts.

Oh I didn’t know. Then it must be that only one of my scripts don’t run if context is legacy, which I have no idea why. The script that doesn’t work with legacy RunContext is a server script that’s located in StarterCharacter. If you can, could you explain why this is happening to that specific script?

Do you think you could send me the script that your having a problem with? because server scripts should work perfectly well in StarterCharacterScripts.

I don’t think so because I did test the script with only one line of code which was a print statement, and that still didn’t print. But I can send a pic of the location of that specific script.

Make sure the scripts parent is StarterCharacterScripts, and StarterPlayerScripts as server scripts will not run in StarterPlayerScripts.

Ok I will test that out, that does make sense and why other scripts in StarterCharacter is not working.

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