Run length encoding (RLE) with patterns more than a character long

Hi there,

So when I do post it’s mostly just some really weird undebuggable stuff. Except every time I did end up debugging it. But here’s something I can’t debug: my creativity (lol)

Ok but seriously i’m having difficulty making a RLE system that scans patterns of multiple characters. Here is the problem (more like problem solving) i’m having:
A conventional RLE system only scans individual repeating characters. This type of RLE is very easy to code.

aaavvvvccccassss = 3a4v4ca4s

But let’s say we have a repeating pattern of characters. Without manually defining how long a pattern is how would one be able to


Specifically the problem i’m having is to find out what the pattern is. LALLAL could be the pattern, but LAL is just more efficient. I’m hoping you can give me a starting point to work upon.

(PS: I haven’t used regex or things like that before, so if this can be easily done with it please do tell me)

--Run length encode
--Found solution to my pattern length finding problems
--Amount pointer comes AFTER all of the data
--Please feed this functions LISTS
function encodingLibrary.RLEncode(itemTable: {any}) : string
	table.insert(itemTable, "placeholderencode")
	local finalString = ""
	local currentFindingPattern = itemTable[1]
	local lastFindingPattern = itemTable[1]
	local repeatingPatterns = 0
	for i, currentFindingPattern in pairs(itemTable) do
		if currentFindingPattern == lastFindingPattern then
			repeatingPatterns += 1
			--if repeatingPatterns > 1 then
				--this list's id is nothing to save on a bit of space 
			finalString ..= lastFindingPattern .. "{,".. encodingLibrary.ToHigherbase(repeatingPatterns) .."}"
			repeatingPatterns = 1
		--print(currentFindingPattern, lastFindingPattern, repeatingPatterns, finalString)
		lastFindingPattern = currentFindingPattern
	return finalString

--Somehow made this work all in one run
function encodingLibrary.RLDecode(_string : string) : {any}
	local finalTable = {}
	local currentCharacter = ""
	local currentString = ""
	local tableType = ""
	local repeatAmount = ""
	local i = 0
	while i < string.len(_string) do
		i += 1
		currentCharacter = string.sub(_string, i, i)
		local contentateString = true
		if currentCharacter == "{" then
			if tableType == "justRepeat" then --There is only one data table for every item.
			--	currentString ..= currentCharacter
			tableType = "undefined"
		elseif currentCharacter == "}" then
			contentateString = false
			currentString ..= currentCharacter
			if tableType == "repeat" then
				repeatAmount = encodingLibrary.Tobase10(repeatAmount)
				currentString = string.sub(currentString, 1, string.len(currentString)-3-string.len(repeatAmount))
				for i = 1, repeatAmount do
					table.insert(finalTable, currentString)
				repeatAmount = ""
				currentString = ""
				tableType = ""
		elseif tableType == "undefined" then
			if currentCharacter == "," then
				tableType = "repeat"
				tableType = "notRepeat"
		elseif tableType == "repeat" then
			repeatAmount ..= currentCharacter
		if contentateString then
			currentString ..= currentCharacter
	return finalTable

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