Run service (renderstepped) issue

So I have never used RunService before, but now that I have came into a script where I need it, I made this script just to see the basics of it:

local RS = game.RunService.RenderStepped


It doesn’t do anything and output seems to have no errors, I don’t know why, can anybody help?

Is this in a script or local script?

Also I think RunService has a space in it inside the explorer so use getservice instead

local RS = game:GetService('RunService').RenderStepped


Alright, I’ll attempt that, and it’s in a local script. Tried your script here still isn’t working I’m not sure, no warnings nor errors so it’s definitely strange

The issue might be that you are defining the event, which can’t be changed afterwards. I’d suggest doing this:

local RS = game:GetService('RunService')


Alright, I will attempt will let you know, would my script come out with errors in the output ussually?

This doesn’t work either, it’s very strange I can’t see anything wrong but like I said before I don’t know much about Renderstepped or even RunService in general