Running out of ideas

I had this problem for a long time, coming up with a great idea! I can’t think of an unique game without there being an already existing game… Anyone know how would I come up with great ideas that are different from the others?

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I can’t tell you, but I will give my own way, I always make my games look unique by taking references from games outside of Roblox and remaking them into roblox, for example Simulator, simulators in Roblox and not roblox are different, aren’t they? so that’s how


That’s one way, might be better than coming up with my own ideas

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Take a game that you like and make a list of things that you hate about it (annoying features, missing features, room for improvement, et cetera). This way, you can sort of remix an existing idea and make it your own.


A game about the world after every idea has been thought of. Turn your problem into a game!

Or, a game where you start in a room and have to escape somehow. Once you escape, you find that the room was just in a bigger room. The rooms get bigger and bigger as you keep escaping into new rooms. But! The way you escaped from the previous room/s is now impossible in the room you are in.

god ive seen at least 100 topics exactly like this

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heres an idea: you wake up to a bright white light. Its freezing cold. You realize somebody literally stuffed you in a fridge. You get out, and see a man with a top hat and a machete. He is your worst enemy and always finds ways to mess with you or try to literally destroy you. You have a cool battle, and then ask you walk out of the building it explodes. You put on some cool shades as the screen fades to black… random story idk what the heck i just made up, LOL!

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