Running pre-existing ads from the Creator Hub is broken

I am unable to find the page that used to exist that allowed me to re-run an ad that I already uploaded and was approved/named. This page formally existed on the old develop page, but I cannot find any way to get to it anymore. The button that used to link to it is now broken and does not work anymore, so I cannot find a way to rerun ads.

This just takes me to the experiences page. The “sponsored ads” button works as intended.

There is no working button to get to this page on the “experiences” page:

The only option on this page that should lead me to the original page instead redirects me to re-upload the image to run the ad.

I already tried disabling extensions and ad-blockers. This is not just on my device, but on another members of my team as well.

Device Info
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/118.0
Platform Type: PC
Device Type: Computer

Expected behavior

I expect to be able to access the legacy page, or there to be a replacement page so I can run an already uploaded ad again. My team and I are unable to find a page that has the same features, or if it exists, the link to it is broken/unclear. I should be able to still run ads using the system that existed before.

Page URL:

A private message is associated with this bug report


This seems to be a regression of the following (resolved) bug:


I also have the same bug.
After I clicked on “user ads”, it jumped to “creations”


Hi there, thanks for the report! We’re actively looking at this.


I’ve also received this bug, so it affects every single roblox user/developer.

Received the same bug myself. I believe it effects everyone.

I’ve also had the same bug, unsure of its overall effect however.

Hi there, we have a deploy going out with the fix. This should be resolved today.