"RunService: UnbindFromRenderStep removed different functions with same reference name"

Hi, I’ve encountered this error multiple times:

“RunService: UnbindFromRenderStep removed different functions with same reference name”

It’s not a major issue, but it is quite annoying. I read that this might be caused by the beta feature “Updated Roblox Controls.” Even though I have this feature disabled, I’m still getting the error. What else could be causing this?

You might be added more than one function with the same name

Nope have no functions with the same name

Can I see where you’re binding it? You mother be binding it more than once

I’m doing nothing with that code, its just a random error.

“utility-focus-state-inspect-PLAYERNAME 2 times” is also part of the error

But apperently its a problem on roblox’s side

Sorry to bump but yeah this is a roblox issue, nothing you should worry about.


Alright, thanks for the response!

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