RunService:IsRunMode() documentation does not match actual behavior

As the name suggests, one would expect IsRunMode to return true ONLY when clicking the Run button in Studio. The documentation supports this assumption:

This method returns whether the Run button has been pressed to run the simulation in Studio.

Note that Studio only enters “run” mode when the Run button is pressed, not the Play button.

However, it also returns true on the server when using “Play”, “Play Here”, and “Local Server”. The response to a post from 2020 pointing out this incorrect behavior was that the documentation was wrong, as seen here:

If this truly is the intended behavior, the documentation should reflect this. If it’s not the intended behavior, the documentation should at least have a note about the current behavior until the behavior is fixed.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Page URL:


This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue and will start investigating, we will update you when we have further information.

Thank you for flagging!


Hey @Neutron_Flow ! Thank you for flagging this issue. We should have a fix for this very soon, I’ll respond back to this thread once it’s live!