RunService:UnbindFromRenderStep removed different functions, but I haven't used that method in any script

So basically I used this guy’s module for a climbing system

I changed it a bit so it would also work on mobile, using the GetMoveVector() function of the player module, and now when I reset the character the warning “RunService:UnbindFromRenderStep removed different functions with same reference name utility-focus-state-inspect-08TaHeR2008 2 times.” (08TaHeR2008 is my username), and the climbing stops working. Thing is I didn’t use that function in any script

What can I do to fix this

It’s a bug that comes from the CoreGui, specifically the Menu. You can’t fix it, nor does it affect gameplay.

So my climbing system not working afterwards has nothing to do with that?

yeah, its a roblox bug. thanks metaverse!