Hi there! My name is Sabaismn, and I am an aspiring 3D/UGC Creator who is applying for the program!
I have about two and a half to three years of experience with 3D modeling. Blender was a bit of a more new discovery for me since for the majority of those years I learned via a class that worked in Maya. I have always wanted to create objects for people to use in games. Since I was young, I’ve played on this platform from late 2012 to current, and I was able to see the rise that was UGC and new, very detailed game models in the upcoming games throughout the time I’ve been here.
While I am aware the catalog (or marketplace as it’s called now) is currently pretty saturated, I have worked hard to make models that would stand out from the others with the build quality and what is mostly hand-painted texturing.
Below are my Renders for some of the concepts I have created thus far.
Berry Meringue Horns
Summer Tides Backpack

Shrimp Boba Soda
Menacing Demon Heart
Angler Fish Hood
Ringed Javelin
Hourglass of Forgotten Dreams
Corroded Mimic
Fleece Of The Arcane
Lunatic Staff Of Old Dreams
Summertime Paddy Cap
Happy Sunflower Mask
Greyscale Version

Potted Cactus Backpack (For Commission/Gift)
Mushroom Horns
Demonic Eye Crown
I will be updating this when I make more items!
Please, feel free to give your feedback and suggestions! Thank you!