Saber Cafe Interview Guide

If it says “[NAME]”, please put your USERNAME.
Hosts, make sure overtime you discuss with interviewers who they got.

:sm Hello, my name is [NAME], and I will be your interview Host for today. [NAME] is the Co-Host for today’s interview session.

:sm PTS is now active. (PTS=Permission to Speak).
:h PTS is active. (PTS=Permission to Speak).

:sm Without Saying PTS, please do not say PTS. If you do talk without being called on, you may be kicked after a warning.

:countdown 120

:sm We will be starting interviews in 5 minutes.

:countdown 300

:sm We are starting now!


Co-Host, remove the announcement from group wall. Say this instead: Interviews are now slocked! After the trainings (around 30 minutes), a session will start. We will announce a session via group wall and dizzy

:sm Hello and welcome to Saber Cafe’s Interview session! I’m your host (username)! And I’ll be your host for this session!

:m Hello! I’m your Host [NAME], and [NAME] will be today’s session’s Co-Host.

:m I will be going over some rules now. This should only take a couple of minutes.

:m Rule I - Grammar is needed inside and outside of this interview. You’ll be given III warnings. If you get max warnings, you will fail.

:m Rule II - Respect is ALWAYS needed. This means you will be respectful to your co-workers, customers, interviewer, etc.

:m Rule III - Trolling is not tolerated in anything related towards ‘Saber Cafe.’

:m Rule IV - You need to be active. Not being active will result in a demotion. If you are doing something or going somewhere, you need to join the dizzy server and tell a Vice President+ why you are not going to be active.

:m Rule V - Do not copy and paste answers. Anything suspicious will result in a kick, possibly a ban, and an automatic failure.

:m Rule VI - Have fun! Even if you fail, you can always come back and try again another session!

:sm IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT record this session. Why? Well… this can give answers to other people who will interview.

:sm Note: If you get disconnected, your interviewer will open the server for you. You will have 2 minutes to join before they slock the server again.

:m That is the end of rules! Stay seated as your interview will teleport you to their office.

Make sure to discuss who you got with the other interviewers. Host, make sure you told interviewees who they got,

Interviewers: Teleport your interviewee’s and close the door.


Interviewer, click the button on your desk to close your door as a signal that others know you are interviewing people so there are no distractions.

Hello! I’m your interviewer [NAME]! Do you have any questions before we start?

:pm (username,username) Q I - Why do you want to work here at Saber Cafe?

:pm (username,username) Q II - What are your strengths and weaknesses?

:pm (username,username) Q III - What is a greeting that you would give to a customer?

:pm (username,username) Q V - Please fix this sentence. " HeLo cn I hAVee A cofe n0w bcz i g0tta g0 bruhv ok ? ? ???"

:pm (username,username) Q VI - Rate your grammar on a scale of 1-10. We want complete honesty. Grammar examples: Using . correctly, Capitals when needed, etc. Punctuation is important.

:pm (username,username) Q VII - Rate your activity per day (you can be on, the hours). Be completly honest. Please specify such as Mondays-Thursdays: 3 hours a day usually with the homework rate I get now. Fridays-Sundays 5 hours usually. (That is an EXAMPLE.)

:pm (username,username) Q VIII - When are you supposed to use caps in the game?

:pm (username,username) Q VIIII - How would you deal with a troller?

:pm (username,username) Q VV - How would you deal with an exploiter?

If they pass:
:tada:Congratulations! You have passed this interview! Please follow me in line to get ranked!:tada:

If they failed:
Unfortunately, you have failed this interview. Do not worry, there is always another chance!

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