Hello there! I am Sadvies, and I am a Roblox Builder. I am 16 years old, and I specialize in building cafes, home-stores, and certain fundamental games. I work better with a community of builders, as well as by myself. My self commission is to achieve my goals that I have set in-place for myself during my building career
I am available for six to eight hours of work on the weekends. You can contact me any time, but I am unable to work during the week due to school and other extra curriculum activities. If I am out for any breaks such as Christmas break and etc, I’ll most definitely let you know.
You can get into touch with me through discord. (@jay04847
I would like to hire you for my game. I don’t have an idea yet, so if you could help me with that, I’ll pay you some more. My game will probably be a Simulator type game. If you could help me with choosing what simulator. E.g. Running Simulator.
Please reply/message me if you’re interested.
Please tell me how much you want to be paid for your work.
My Discord is nob#0863 if you’re interested.