Safe, Free watermarks

What about the sense that it doesn’t show that you created it?
The person could steal the watermarked GFX and add it to their portfolio.
The only way to get around this would be to also add your name… which goes against the whole point of the post


Wow! Thank you, that is a good point I will make more, however, assuming you know how to manipulate text in apps such as Photoshop or you can but something that says that you made it.

I don’t like these, I’m sorry. They’re just too obstructive and the mix of colours makes it even harder to see the image behind.


I honestly don’t know if you are asking a genuine question because you should always watermark your work to prevent stealing (unless you actually don’t care)

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This is quite nice. I love it.

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There are programs which can remove transparent name watermarks, and you can even do it yourself in photoshop. This is a much more secure way to send your work.

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If you are just going to add text that says you made it… why even use the pattern?

Exactly. This is a pretty pointless idea since someone can just claim it as theirs still since there is no credit anywhere. Its just an annoying watermark.

There is literally no point of this watermark since it fails the one thing a watermark should do: Prevent Stealing.


If you read other comments they say events stealing because it’s colorful. I actually think this is safer than just regular text watermarks.