Sales of Goods extremely outdated

When downloading the Sales of Goods data from the sales tab under the group, the data received is now 11 days old. No recent data is at all being included.

Expected behavior

I expect the data to be up to date at least within the last couple of days.

Page URL:!/revenue/sales

A private message is associated with this bug report

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Hi there,

The Sales of Goods download shows revenue data after group payouts, so it does not include new revenue from that source. The report should be accurate within a few hours of transactions. Hope this helps and please reach out if you have any more questions!

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So it seems the Sales of Goods data stopped updating when I set revenue % payout to the developers and the group stopped receiving revenue. That makes sense. So how do I now access up-to-date data for revenue breakdown? The .csv file containing each sale

Since the Sales of Goods download shows revenue that belongs to the group, we do not show revenue breakdown for these group payouts in the CSV. The recipients of the payouts will see the inbound payments in their My Transactions view.